
Hello Denis appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to read my article- well it was a Warren Buffett Documentary that actually helped see a different view- that investing was the path forward! However my investment returns were not that good that time😂😂 as it took me 2-3 years to really practice and understand daily… so just trying to help shorten the learning curve for someone else.

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It's amazing that you understood life to this extent at 16. I wish I'd been this smart :)

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Wow such valuable content man!

I think most of us in the corporate world get sucked up in working endless hours we forget what we’re living for; which is to pursue our passions and achieve freedom!

I believe that everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want to pursue in their life, and this article is such an eye opener to this.

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Wow! An eye opener indeed! Valuable article. Something that makes me ponder deeper about my own life. I ask the question if I'm happy with my life and if this is the life I want to live for the rest of my life? Is there anything that I do differently or related to my passion, at least one? And if I'm even living 'my life'?

The answer is so clear! All these years, I'm may be doing different things but they are to fulfil my responsibility.

Great sharing, I liked it much❣️ Thank you.

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Thank you for reading through and taking time to read my article - it means a lot. All it takes is just one or even two passions to help fuel one’s life! And it can start with 10 minutes a day even🚀🚀

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